martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

THE SHOOTING WAR: Magníficas fotos de los más aclamados fotógrafos de guerra

copiado de FOREIGN POLICY  http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/02/22/the_shooting_war
(siguiendo un link de Letras Libres)

The Shooting War

An exclusive collection of work by the world's most acclaimed conflict photographers.


Photograph by Stephanie Sinclair/VII
The Day After: One of Iraq's iconic scenes of conflict, this was the Canal Hotel 24 hours after the U.N. headquarters there had been eviscerated, when only a man and a machine were left combing through the rubble. "I don't think they found anybody," says Sinclair. A day earlier, she had arrived on the scene soon after the deadly explosion to find chaos. She remembers it now as "the first major signifier that things were turning for the worse."

Dé click en el 2 y a partir de ahí, vea estas magníficas fotos completas, desde la 1 hasta la última, directamente dentro del portal de Foreign Policy:

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